Namaste Joy Full Divine Shine! Merry Christmas!
Happy Boxing Day! Happy Kwanzaa! Happy Hanukkah!
Happy Lovelight YOU! Our candle of JOY is lit in celebration of all of the above which is more fully expressed in today's vlog:
Celebration of Light: Joy Vibration!
Advent Candle #4 Light of JOY!
Oh there is so much to be grateful for on this Boxing Day of gifting and re-gifting from our bounty! We are further reminded of our celebrations of Light with Kwanzaa and Hanukkah; cultural and religious traditions that act as an interfaith invitation for all of us to keep reigniting our vibrations with deLIGHT! African-American Heritage ~ December 26th ~ January 1st ~ Kawanzaa A seven-day celebration honoring African American heritage and its continued vitality.
“Kwanzaa” means “first fruits (of the harvest)” in Swahili. Each day of Kwanzaa is tied to one of the holiday's seven principles: unity (umoja), self-determination (kujichagulia), collective work and responsibility (ujima), cooperative economics (ujamaa), purpose (nia), creativity (kuumba), and faith (imani). Judaism ~ December 26th ~ January 2nd ~ Hanukkah Jewish Festival of Lights. It commemorates the Maccabean recapture and rededication of the Jerusalem Templein 165-164 b.c.e. Special readings and praise songs focus on liberty and freedom.
The eight candle Menorah is lit each night. Celebrate with us here! Secular/Interfaith ~ December 26th~ Boxing Day Observedin Great Britain and some Commonwealth countries, particularly Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, Boxing Day is a holiday in which servants, tradespeople, and the poor traditionally were/are presented with gifts. The tradition is derived from taking excess food & (unwanted) gifts & giving them to the less fortunate.
In the vlog, i revisit some of the gifts of this season given and received including this little secret Santa present that appeared on my porch bringing multiple layers of consciousness giving :) I am so grateful!
And I am so grateful for you, friend! As we close the door on 2024,
awaiting 2025 to arrive, I sit with you in the Circle of Time, of Life, of Love, of JOY! It is my prayer to continue to be of service to all, in whatever ways call, as we rise and thrive in 2025! I will continue to bring gifts from my heart and home and be ever grateful for any moment we share together. YOU are always a gift that I treasure! Namaste, Love.
Namaste Heart of Peace flowing Light to illuminate this world!
I greet you with the Hope, Love, and Light of Peace that lives in each of us. With a deep breath of yes, I center in this moment with you in deep gratitude and allowance. I invite us to breathe deep in Peace in the midst of any swirl that is within you or around you. Peace is to sit with the pieces as whole; knowing we are always wholly complete, living on holy ground in the isness, sacredness, and oneness of all that ever was, is, and/or will be.
What pieces are calling you to wholeness and holy peace?
What pieces are calling you to illumination and co-creation?
Whatever your situation, i wish you oneness vision and a peaceFULL heart!
As we ready ourselves to turn the calendar on another year, the seasonal invitations for reflection and introspection are here in their annual whisper under the party hum. As we prepare to close the door on 2024, we are offered invitations to come to peace with any incompletes, to be the presence in the present moments we greet, and to aspire to thrive as the new of 2025 arrives.
Our lives are in a consistent mix of alchemy, and when we focus our minds and hearts together with awareness, we do indeed call in whatever we set our intentions on. For this week's lighting of the peace candle, I share the OmHomETV prayers, song, and Transformational Toolbox time with breath. If nothing else, just remember how more peace within is always 1 deep breath away. Advent Candle #3 Light of PEACE! The word and concept of peace often conjures thoughts of war and unrest and while we can and do pray for so many in this world who suffer the insanity of humanity's wars, peace in our own lives begins with our deep breaths, thoughts, and heart intentions. In my om home this season, my blooming Christmas cactus' sing me a song of peace and wonder, hope and Love. The 2 cactus' shared herein came from my friend Rev Karene, aka gramma K in ETV. This 1, gifted earlier this year, was 'suppossed' to bloom white yet she and her sister definitely had a whole lotta pink ~ a favorite color around here! The blooms are bold yet so delicate and fleeting. Their beauty whispers of infinite potentiality and simultaneously of the ongoing life invitations to sieze the moment, day, season. True peace within comes from allowance and gratefulness for the isness of any given moment at hand. This picture shows buds, blooms, and wilting retreat.
This 2nd Christmas cactus went back and forth with Karene and I for a few years, coming to rest
with me some years back. She has been featured here more than 1 December for her incredible bounty of beautiful blooms. This year, the summer heat about killed her. I really wasn't sure if she would live. I tucked her into a 'hospital' corner to heal and SHAZAM, she did more than survive, she bloomed to thrive! I gave her lotsa Love and surrendered the outcome of her future, at peace, knowing she had lived a wonderful life. Yet! She obviously had lotsa life and beauty left to give. I offer you her inspiration as an invitation for all that our own lives ever beckon us into. Yes, my friends, may we bloom and thrive in 2025!
I have been making cemetery remembrances for all my peeps, we buried my stepdad this week and i put some food on the table and opened the doors for any who wanted to honor and celebrate him after the cemetery. Yes, may he rest in peace and may peace fill the hearts of all those left behind wrestling with memories and family dynamics. From our own hearts and minds, to our family and community circles, may we send ripples of peaceful prayers out into this world.
On the brink of shortest night Winter Solstice here and longest night, Summer Solstice for our sisters and brothers across the globe, may we be truly illuminated with the light of peace. May all beings know at least some measure of peace as we center in the Love we are created of and the hope that is the inherent isness of life! Just as seeds need darkness to germinate and light to grow, may we know the spark of divinity that illuminates our soul journeys every step of the way. May we breathe deep in the divine order of every given moment knowing all is well.
I wish you well, my friend. I wish you peace. Keep shining bright your light of peace! As the Mesiah baby born this season grew up to say, "You are the light of the world!"
I leave you now with the hopeful, Love filled light of peace of the season as sung in my Winter Solstice song in music video below:
The light of creation is inside of us ...
ashes to ashes, dust to dust
From the darkness of gestation, we are born to shine,
Called to align with the shine of our design.
Yes, we're called to shine with the stars.
The light of love is who we are.
The light is life itself, calling us to grow.
When we align our shine, our joyous love light glows
The divine inside us shines for us to know
Reach for the light ... grow, grow, grow!
In the darkness of the Solstice, we reach for the light
In the depths of the darkest and the longest night
Listen to the whispers calling us to flight
Fly with the divine ... shine, shine, shine! Chorus
Namaste Shining Light of Love gifting this world!
In this 2nd week of the Christmas Advent season, the candle of Love is lit as we look to some of the infinite gifts of life that we love! Who and what do you love? What lights you up and ignites the Light of Love within you?!
In our (winter) darkness, we can get lost. The Light of Love always beckons us home! Part of that daily homecoming is to just engage with whatever it is we love, whatever lights us up and ignites the spark of Love. Our Love expressed is our service, it is our yes.
Light some candles now! With the flame of your heart in your mind! Who do you light a candle for? What do you light a candle for? As we hold deep gratitude for all we Love, we are ignited into a brighter and brighter shine!
I continue to be called to be Love Expressed here and in ETV. There are several ETV videos I am sharing here and now, for Love, and for the season. Love in our Transformational Toolbox, The Light of Love Music Video, The 12 Thoughts of Christmas SingALong, a singing of Love, Love, Love with friends Karene and Don. And! The fresh lighting of Love candles on my home altar with the invitation to light your own candles with actual flame or even just in your mind. Ignite more shine in you as you think of ones you love, things you love, things you love to do. Look around you, look out your window, look in the mirror and Love, Love, Love! Advent Candle #2 Light of LOVE!
Before the other aforementioned videos, I did do another fresh video ahead of the Light of Love one at the altar. It is a self Love video in the mirror, putting on a bit of makeup. I'm gonna be brave and post it in case it could serve you in any way. Though we are so much more than our body temples, practicing self love often is tethered in our physicality.
Self Love is indeed such a journey; how different would it be if we weren't so tethered to our physicality? And yet, we be human and most of what we love is in our physical reality.As awake and aware Spirit beings, we can also experience the bliss of Love that exists on a whole other dimension! Though for most of us, this is an experience that comes and goes, we do know the glow of Love Light always flows. Ah, what it would be to see life through the ever shining Spirit eyes of Love! We
can and do this very thing my friends, 1 spark at a time.
In the realm of "Love is patient, Love is kind" biblical reference, I will lovingly say for the umpteenth time, the Leaping Literacy Library IS being revamped. This time, I am truly letting go of some old structures and allowing the flow. I don't know when I will be able to share the celebration yet I do know my Light and Love continue to show up with dedication. I appreciate you being part of the transformation conversation! Our Love Lights truly create renovation and restoration! In the circle of Love, we hold each others' dreams for manifestation.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for being the Light of Love you are, shining star. I deeply appreciate your shine, igniting your candle prayers, your dreams, and your Love that gifts this world every time your heart smiles. I also deeply appreciate you being here with me in this moment of Love Light. Namaste, friend!
Namaste Light of Hope gifting this world!
I greet you in the Spirit of Light shining through any darkness, Spirit of Hope persevering and persisting through any despair. Last Sunday, December 1st marked the beginning of the Christian Advent; the 4 Sundays before Christmas. I lit the candle for Hope and wrote a prayerful poem for Hope.
12/1/24 Advent Candle #1 Prayer for HOPE!
I have spent some time in darkness and hopelessness yet again in recent days as i am once again reminded of what fear is capable of. I am also renewed in my remembrance that the power of prayer and Spirit Love is indeed stronger than any fear. Both can be persistent yet the greatest power is always Love. However, ahead of this Sunday's advent candle of Love is the Light of Hope.
I heard an online Sunday
talk recently wherein the minister talked of hope in a most dismissive manner, saying, "Can't you hear the doubt in that word?" I understand his point that in Faith, there is an unwavering knowing which is usually not the case with Hope. Yet! Absolute Faith is not always readily obtainable, especially from a place of darkness or despair. Hope provides a spark of potentiality and possibility that can be the bridge to Faith. On the human journey, there are so many places where our roads can diverge creating the necessity for a bridge. As I just experienced, prayer can be one such connection and in conjunction with the powerful promise of Hope, we can restore ourselves into going forward with faith filled footsteps. There are times of darkness for us individually and collectively, yet looking for the silver linings or shades of blue is Hope showing up as one of Spirit's many tools to fortify our hearts. Hope beckons us home where impossible is I'm Possible.
Are there any places in your thinking or your life outpicturings where Spirit may be calling you home through Hope?! Whether or not you practice Advent, you can light a candle of Hope for yourself or anyone else. We can all ignite the flames of Hope for humanity and for our sacred mother earth. As we experience our short days of long winter darkness, we continue to shine all that is divine within us. We, my friends, are the embodiment of Hope, as infinite potentiality and Love expressed. We are a blessing and we be blessed!
Our current Leaping Literacy Library ETV
spotlights include the Om HomETV show, Notes of Hope, with Hope in our Transformational Toolbox, and Feature Creature Teachers Star and Hummingbird, both LIGHT in different ways.
Thank you for being here, shining star! And thank you for continuing to align and realign with your divine, powerful shine ~ through Hope or any other Spirit calling that lights your way and that of all those around you. Namaste!
ThanksLiving Every Day in Everyday Ways!
Namaste Abundant Cornucopia of Life's Goodness Expressed!
Oh how full we are of blessings! Oh how we each be blessed!
I greet you on this day of Thanksgiving with a celebratory horn and heart aplenty. Choosing deep gratitude for what it is to be alive yet
ever acutely aware of the painful injustices in this world of duality. Surrendered to the highest essence of Love expressed in and through us and all around us on this gorgeous planet home, I center and re-center in the bounty and beauty of this gift of life. Let us breathe together now ... breath of life, breath of gratefulness, breath of goodness in abundant fullness. From this centered breath, may we see more of the sacred. Truly, all that surrounds us in every given moment is full of sacredness. Can we know it in this moment? We have no farther to look than our own hand, face in the mirror, glass of water, tree branch or sky out the window. We are sacred. The earth is sacred.
The blessedness of our life is sacredness expressed in and through us.
So it is. So mote it be.
So must it be. So it is!
Opportunities for sacred and grateful awareness are as infinite as our blessings! My celebration invitations are to be in this awareness of sacredness and Thanks Living this day of Thanksgiving as well as every day in everyday ways! We simply bring our attention to appreciation as often as we can, moment by moment. This practice of appreciation definitely lifts our vibration!
Here are 2 vlogs I did earlier this week practicing Thanks Living, reflecting on making
pine cone turkeys with my 95 year old Latrobe ladies and making turkey soup wherein I share my favorite mantra, "Thank you, I love you."
Blessings to you and yours this day and every day as we celebrate and vibrate true Thanks Living for this gift of life. I am truly grateful for the gift of you on this earth and for your time and consciousness here and now in this blessed moment of time together. Namaste beautiful hearts!
11/24/24 Thanks Living w Turkey! Full Metaphysical Mixing of Turkey Soup!
Life Notes: I'm Alive! Sunset Walk Vlog
Namaste Love Expressed, ThanksLiving, Compassion in Action!
I greet you in life celebration, renewed hope, and the 'Still I Rise' (Maya Angelou!) Spirit of courage, conviction, and passion for action. How are you? If you, like I, and other millions of Americans have been processing the deep grief of Kamala Harris losing the election, I do hope you have found layers of comfort and peace. As I shared in my post election, ugly cry vlog, there is always a higher purpose flowing, inviting us to keep knowing we are not alone. And to trust the truth of transformation. The duality of reality continues to be curious, yet I have once again, re-established my bubble and am aiming and claiming a higher vibration Love, acceptance, and compassion. Through all of the reactions, and the already underway repeated chaos of Trump, we all do well to start (re)building our own house anchors starting with loving the one in the mirror.
I have been celebrating a golden birthday all week since the 11/11 portal with activities at home to honor my life at all levels. I have continued to engage in an active re-building of my playhouse (physical space) after my Jeremiah moved out, preparing to do new ETV segments and shows. I have been seeding my thoughts with affirmative faith filled prayers and I have been in a continuous flow of gratitude and intention to align with the shine of my divine design ~ on soul purpose! We live on a beautiful planet home and I am grateful! This golden birthday, I am 62 (born in 1962) I affirm I am that I Am and I Am in no way retiring! I am rolling up my sleves, opening up my heart, and showing up to work and play with and for the Great Creator. It is a place of turning and returning to Love, joy, and peace, moment by moment.
I do hope there is peace and wellbeing in your om home and heart this right now moment. We are each and all evolving and ever revolving. Moment by moment, breath by breath, let us rise to raise our vibration in life celebration!
May we drink the colors of sunrise and sunset in true ThanksLiving. Aho!
11/6/24 Post Election Reflections
Here is the song the heartbroken me wrote after the 2016 election. I have sang it many days over the years and have oft heard, what does that have to do with the election? My spiritual friends, YOU know, it is SO much about shadow! For any who find their web way here, here's today's ugly cry video along with another singing of Shine Through The Shadows. Last evening I had a sunset walk so full of changing colors! I took the camera roll and just let the pictures be the backdrop in the order they were taken. It is a backdrop beauty reminder that truly life goes on and all is well. Today's expression is followed by the shadow vlog and song sung on Winter Solstice 2016 and the song with Crow and Raven Vlog, August 2024. Simply put, we are always called to shine through the shadows. Thank you for shining, bright Light of Love! Shine Through The Shadows Vlog and Song
Shine Through The Shadows Vlog and Song
More Adaptability: Crow Shadow Vlog
11/3/24 Fall 2024: Sacred Circle of Time and Seasons
Namaste Wise Witches of Wonderfulness
weaving your webs of Awareness, Goodness, Sacredness, Oneness.
Thank you for being here with me on this strand of the web in this blessed moment of time. It has been some time since i have chosen to be in this space as i continue to navigate, investigate, relegate and co-create. As society and humanity, there are many sticky threads in our webs these days. We continue our evolution; reckoning with confusion, delusion, and ultimately, inevitable spiritual resolution ~ for all ~ even though there is never a final conclusion. Such is the circle of life, it never ends and we are One with all of it.
Natural Wisdom
No matter what swirl we are in personally or collectively, Mother Nature is always here as a gorgeous grace filled source of grounded divinity. Her beauty knows no bounds and expresses the infinity of creation everywhere. We do well to notice the falling leaf dancing between life and death. Of course knowing, there is only life. Metaphysical meanings are also always available to us and here is a compilation of some of those takeaways from 6 of our seasonal Feature Creature Teachers:
A Break with Social Media
While I posted a few vlogs here over the summer with Feature Creature Teachers, for the most part, I have been on a break from social media. Since the selling of the family ranch in June, I have been more focussed inward. As we all know, social media and the internet in general is full of distractions, at best, a place of fascination, and at worst, full of negative dramatic reactions. I simply haven't had the bandwidth to participate. Reckoning with my ongoing ego death journey and all of my worldly creations, is all I have been able to deal with! As I negotiate how I want to re-engage online, I am keenly aware how good the break has been for me energeticly though also realizing I have missed many updates from those I care for. I also have not been updating the way I did for years, both here on the blog and in social. So here we go!
Going On and Flowing On!
The above picture is McCloud Falls visited last month along with Mount Shasta and seeing my Jeremiah in his new spot. He is now working for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival doing set/prop automation. His process of moving out of his mama's home based nest completed yesterday. The final phase of my birdie leaving the nest is now complete. Though I know I will also be leaving this house, for now, I am rearranging and moving back in with new intentional spaces. An ongoing physical, mental, and spiritual journey!
Mount Shasta has been calling me for some time! Sacred Circle!
Election Reflections
As the politics of our culture have been so insanely intense, it is definitely been a factor in my inability/unwillingness to be in the social media mix. The Trump Train has been running loudly and proudly through my little town and I have had conversations with neighbors for some real time 'us and them'. I have been able to open up more to seeing that the Trumpers do indeed have a completely different reality than I do and the man they see is not the one that I witness. I know the one I see is the one seen by millions of Americans, including the prominent Republicans who have spoken out. To say we are a nation divided is an understatement. I have moved through layers of disappointment and despair that began in 2016 and am grateful to have found a more peaceful perspective. From a spiritual standpoint, some say we are in a split of timelines and realities. My latest neighbor interaction verifies that; we do indeed have 2 different realities of who our candidates are. Yet! From the divine perspective, it actually doesn't matter who wins because we are evolving through an awakening that is well supported by Spirit, no matter what! Still, in the final hours leading up to our official election day, I saw this and feel compelled to share! As we all know, I love word play and will be sharing mirror work in the months to come, so this SNL YouTube offering is something I want to include here and now in the circle:
Ancestor Party! Besides yesterday being Jeremiah's final move out (yes, a form of death and rebirth), it was, of course, Day of The Dead following All Soul's Day and Samhain/Halloween. I parted ways with some stuffy friends again this year for trick or treaters, had this month's Latrobe Ladies Luncheon be Halloween themed, and planned all week to set an elaborate Ancestor Party.
With the mix of house and garage rennovations, Laurie StorEBook Library work for a new platform partner, and food prep for Jeremiah and his moving buddies, the Ancestor Party did happen last night yet not exactly as planned!
I spoke to so many beloveds now on the other side, including all the family on the walls as shared here in past years. I poured sparking unicorn wine and unfortunately drank for all of us; a decision I definitely regret. I cried alot yet mostly with deep gratitude. I remembered, honored, and re-connected with so many souls who are still here.
I realized I have my ancestors all over this house and alive in my heart so if I stay aware and engaged, I can have an ancestor party and life celebration any day and every day!
It is said that people die twice; first when they leave their body and second when they leave our memory. Our beloveds are still here! Though i intended all month to redo this, here is last fall's Ancestor Circle:
Hocus Pocus Focus!
As I continue to keep reckoning with physical and digital accumulation as well as the healing and awakening journeys within, I am acutely aware of the magic of focus! It is not enough to have an intention (like the song redo), it has to be prioritized and calendarized to materialize! I have made so many strands in my web of life, that the circle keeps calling for reconsideration and consolidation. I am heeding the call with determination!
So! I continue to tune into inspiration, trusting the magic of life to make the mystical manifest within my life and for all who choose to see and be in the magical reality of divinity always beckoning. Nature is the mirror. We have nothing to fear as we evolve in divine right timing to embody more of the sacred we truly be! May your strands of creation be inspired by the best of your sacredness and oneness with ALL Love and Life. Namaste Beautiful Creator in the Circle of Time and Creation!
Positivity *Possibility * Potentiality * Passion *Proclamation Exploration * Connection * Communication * Compassion * Creation *Expression In spiritual support of you and your family!