Be Free! Embody Adaptability
Namaste Beautiful Being painting your color and beauty in this crazy world!
As our outer circumstances can still deeply challenge our abilities to stay centered on the path, I offer you some metaphysical musings with creativity and adaptability. Feature Creature Duck is reminding us to
1. Adapt with all our many skills and talents
2. To let negativity roll off of us like water on a duck's back, and
3. To be in community with adaptability
Metaphysical, Creative Vlog w/Laurie Story and Duck:
In addition to the spiritual vlog, there are many more invitations with Duck spotlighted this week in our Leaping Literacy Library ETV. I wish you Freedom and Peace within no matter what unfolds on the outer. Thank you for continuing to paint this world with your brush strokes of goodness, creativity, adaptability, and beauty. Namaste, Love!
Be Free! Embody Sovereignty
Namaste Free Birds!
I greet you in the energy and embodiment of safe nest
and flying high dream vision. In keeping with America's birthday celebrated July 4th, I offer metaphysical musings on Freedom along with Feature Creature Teacher Eagle in this blog and vlog. The vlog also has the musical invitation from one of my newer songs, also shared here in April, Be Free, wherein I assert, "Freedom's found in sovereignty".
Sovereignty! Most widely used as a political construct to denote the governing body. Seems particularly fitting at this time in our nation's history wherein SCOTUS has made a ruling indicating our President to have a kingly sovereignty vs. the right of the people to be self-governing. For our purposes, we are looking at ourselves as sovereign spirit beings designed to live our gift of life with the sovereignty of free will. Explore freedom, lessons of Eagle, and free will with me at my new fountain altar in the vlog!
One of the take away questions from the vlog is, "Who do you give your power to?" This includes a lesser part of you who would argue for your limitations. If you give your power to the Holy Creator, God by any name, are you able to align with the divine and fully shine? Though we often may think or say, "it's God's will", the truth is we were designed with the sovereignty of free will. Our Holy Creator, like any parent, just wants us children to choose happy, to be fully in our joy as Love expressed, grateful and aware of how infinitely we be blessed!
And so it is that I continue to center in this sacred awareness. With the wrapping up of dad's ranch in June (said and sung here), I have been healing, clearing, re-setting, readying myself and my space to embody more freedom in taking 'right next steps into this new time'. Some of the altars I still and always envision as part of upcoming programming as well as my daily colorful life include Bear, Giraffe, and Turtle who continue to anchor the front of my playhouse home.
Altars, altars, everywhere! From ancestor connections to plant friends, they keep me aware! In the setting, seeing, remembering, altars set my sacred awareness FREE! This new friend is a maiden hair fern the grocery store had on the cheap. It is a wonderful symbol of the past (found at the ranch) and the future, my big. bold dreams growing free! As discussed with a human friend who loves plants like i do, these beauties are notorious for being to delicate to keep. I surrendered her into being like a bouquet of flowers that brought me so much joy yet not destined to last. Happily, so far, she is gorgeous as ever! I love her! I love all my plants and have SO enJOYED being with my plant friends in my temperate 80 degree house while the triple digit summer heat repeats day after day outside. Plants are great friends for me and nature touchstones as well as rocks and crystals. Do any plants and stones live at your house? Who/what makes up your altars?
I continue to hold integration and inspiration with my dad (and mom!) on my main altar where I keep many remembrances and callings of my heart.
I have brought in new plant friends and fountains. Setting the free flow of water is a wonderful way for me to stay in the sacred awareness of the ever present, omnipresent divine flow! Yes, water is Life. And water helps us integrate more Love Light.
What friends and remembrances do you have in your Om home? Remember you can set an altar anywhere, anytime. It can be as simple as 1 or 2 items that call you higher with sacred awareness and/or call you to Love, by making your heart smile.
Altars, altars, everywhere! Inside or out, they beckon of intention in a whisper or shout! Long time coming for me, in the programming department for ETV are Mushroom and Duck!
Resistance! The insistence of resistance! What callings do you resist and why? It is always your free will to resist! Yes, we can be unduly influenced by our limitations yet simply put, when we cannot hold the vibration, for any reason, we will resist. This can show up in many ways including destraction and procrastination. When we sidestep (self) condemnation, we can see resistance as a natural part of our energy flow. Think of batteries, a source of power for so many things. Resistence is part of the flow that battery makers try to minimize so that energy output can be maximized. We can do the same! Our spiritual tools can include compassion and unconditional Love for ourselves and others as we navigate the waters of life and dance the dance of resistance. Rocks could be said to be a force of resistance to the river's flow yet nature's sacred dance is one of divine perfection. Ours can be too, sovereign, freedom loving Spirits! Bring sacred awareness to your flow!
I put my feet in this powerful river on July 4th and reaffirmed my free will sovereignty, yippee skippee! I also connected with deep gratitude to live on this sacred land!
I bring this energy to my long list of reckonings with what has been and what I envision co-creating in the days ahead. Sometimes, maybe even oft times, going forward is aided by a look back. This is why our political analysts are frequently looking to our founding fathers and documents even as we work to embody the population/family we are today ~ a much more diverse lot with new visions sought!
In our personal quests for freedom, it is as I sing in Be Free, "Look inside to see, what's calling you to free".
This poster is from the Timeless Spirit, A-Z CD and Feathers Of Freedom Family Camp that we did for so many years in the sacred Sierras. As part of the website/past reckonings, Feathers Camp will run online in August alongside spotlights from our SoulPlay Camp that was birthed 10 years ago, August 2014. One of our AHsome Camp Counselors, Harriet Tubman Wright did a wonderful Expression Session on Altar Building! You can catch this and ALL of SoulPlay Camp anytime on our Leaping Literacy Library Free Shelf!
I AM still reckoning with all the content the Library holds like our sacred ABC pages as I dance (w/resistance?) with formats and functionality. Just spent a few weeks on one of the best membership platforms to see about bringing our content there and have to say no. Trusting the flow! Ultimately, it truly is about aligning my sovereignty with the highest Spirit calls me to be, with allowance, persistence and insistence of Love, minimizing resistance through sacred awareness and maximizing JOY as my dominant vibration of Life as celebration! As part of this (online) flight, Birds are here to fly high for July as we revisit some great ones in our Feature Creature Teacher flock; Dove, Hummingbird, Owl, Turkey, and bring in the long awaited Duck, Eagle, and Peacock! Visit with us @ ETV and here @ New Thought Families! There's also a new 'Bird Word' section of linked LaurieStorEBooks and Word Play @ Laurie's Stories! Here's our BIRD invite from ETV :
Thank you so much for being here, fine feathered friends! May you feather your nests with sacredness, envision your future flight and live it all now in grateful Love Light. You are indeed the Light of Love, free bird, allow yourself to fly high! Namaste, Love!
Honor Thy Father 6/16/24
Namaste Shining Circle of the Sun! I greet you this Father's Day ahead of Summer Solstice with all the passionate purpose the bright light of Summer Solstice bestows on us. Short of having a Solstice blog/vlog ready in this moment, I will simply breathe with you the intentionality of the longest day of the year. Let us take a deep, grateful breath of the long sun's illumination on all of our life celebrations and transformations. For our sisters and brothers around the world celebrating longest night, may we breathe in the illuminated wisdom within, always available to all of us.
Today's life celebration is of fathers! Who is your father to you? How do you honor him? Have the meanings and honorings changed over the years? From our families to cultural patriarchy, the father holds a centerpiece in our collective history and humanity. Indeed, father holds a centerpiece in each of us. On this Father's Day, I honor the Circle of Time and all the generational imprints we birth year after year. This picture of my father and then young son Jeremiah in Virginia City speaks to many of our family layers. The longtime family ranch did indeed officially change hands this week. On the last day, a tired me did a musical vlog from the ranch with a new song honoring the ancestors, Golden Thread, and Daddy's Song, honoring my father.
The new song has come a good ways in the last few days yet I choose to post this raw and real ranch version as the last notes sung there. As throughout this journey, there is so much to say and beyond what i say in the video, I will only leave a bit more of it here and now. Let it speak of the process with respect for all of it.
The last days entailed cabling the cattle guard; and because you need to mark the cable with a visible cloth, the old, stained apron was a fitting touch for me.
There were many watchful eyes on the ranch as our last days unfolded. There were rocks moved, and weeds cleaned bringing rocks into the visible shining circle.
There were rocks dug and fought over along with new vines ever reaching for the golden sunshine. So many steps ever beckoning to be taken.
I said goodbye to house, barn, and the cat, who was so generously and graciously invited to stay; pictured here bathing in the sunspots shining through
The Crow on the barn speaks of change and transformation as well as the spiritual invitation to see Crow as positive or negative, good luck or bad, new birth or death. Crow represents all of that to different people at different times. Most likely, all are present in the gift of Crow and so a very fitting messenger on the last day.
So it is with all of our transformations and transitions in life. We sift and we shift. We choose what to carry forward. This also holds true for our relationships. The one I had with my father had many difficult layers yet I choose still and always to honor him and the ancestors. I honor all in my family who have lived the chain of pain and choose to align with their version of the divine and SHINE! I honor you, my friend, and your celebrations and transformations, whatever they hold this moment. Thank you for gifting me with your presence in the sacred Circle of Time
and this journey of mine. I wish you an infinity of divinity consciousness at this Solstice time in the Circle.
Stay fine tuned as more and more aligns, in our Leaping Literacy Library. There are many more celebrations and invitations on the way, old and new, woo hoo, hooray!
June Divinity (May Memories)
Time & Energy in the Circle of the Sun 6/5/24
Namaste Shining Circle of Intentional Living and Passionate Purpose!
Here we are in June after I went missing (from this blog space) in May. Transformations were running rampant with so much more of the death and birth cycle and circle discussed here in March and April continuing to play out! Even in the summer whispers of jubilant June, I am in the last throws of a painful death, a long time coming.
Let me first breathe with you a moment of deep gratitude, light, positivity, divinity. I am choosing to know the holy presence of all that and more. I am honored you are choosing to be here, in this right now moment of time, in heart, and mind. Thank you, Love!
In a step back of May memories, I had the joy to be with Unity Community in Citrus Heights for a Sacred Sunday Service! We were celebrating Transformation with the I Am and sharing sacred awareness and some life lessons with Feature Creature Teachers! I was honored and grateful to have been their speaker and songstress! For any who want to experience the moment, it was live streamed to Youtube!
Change in the Circle! Time in the Circle! Light in the Circle! As Solstice approaches, we are once more reminded of how the circle of darkness and light calls us to grow. On the mindfulness journey, we pause to reflect on what and how we grow, just how we invest our time, heart, and mind. We go within, take deep dives into the inner workings of how we are made, the choices we make, and just why we make them. We can stay the course or change course accordingly ~ in any divine timing.
For my part, I have been playing out what can be termed dysfunctional family loyalty for a lot of years. Though I blogged quite a bit about my (spiritual) parenting of my parent(s) in the early days, my communications became less and less for multiple reasons. Mainly, I didn't want to speak about their indignities of the aging and death process. I wanted to honor their journeys through aging, hospicing, transitioning. There are other layers I will most likely attend to (here?) another time! Time! The time is come to let go of the family ranch I grew up on and was part of the 5th generation born here. I am currently doing a lot of dirty work to clean the place up to the best of me and am reminded of June 2021 where it was a very similar story with my mama's house. As painful as it is, I am staying true to me and what I believe is the right way to honor my father and ancestors who went before me here. As I clear as much as I possibly can before the 'As Is' Sale, son Jeremiah says I am rearranging chairs on the Titanic. I say I am being the hands and feet for all those who went before me and unfortunately left some messes behind. I am also doing my best version of the Golden Rule for the new owner. For any who may have been on this journey with me, you may recall some years back when I cleaned out the family store, a good chunk of that stuff landed here at the ranch so I am revisiting that. The man who bought the store is turning it into a museum. He is also the one to be buying our family ranch now with the intention to restore it! Blessed Be in the Circle of all i see!
You can bet there is SO much more to this story! Yet, suffice to say for now, I am choosing to align and realign with the divine. I am choosing to see and SEA divinity in the circle of time. I am turning and returning
to my own sacred heart. As I work on honoring all that went before me with the ancestors, I am also honoring me and the work I have done and continue to do. We are returning to SEAing Divinity on the daily Play & Pray Video Calendar as well as Sea Splashing @ ETV and Leaping Literacy Camp Creativity!
As part of my circle in the sun, passionate life purpose, and divine alignment, I choose to reach for the dreams and visions that have been on back burner at best, lost and near death at worst. We can always choose or change direction as Feature Creature Teacher Crab lets us know. Thank you voices and faces of divinity!
I choose to know I am on purpose. I choose to listen to ME! To mermaid me! I am revisiting these Vlogs from August 2023 with the wonderment that maybe these messages ARE meant to BE ~ for ME! I can only hope they could be anything that would speak to YOU here and now. If so, yippee skippee for divinity in the Circle!
And 1 more from the sea swept circle of divinity reminding ~ me ~ of positivity!
What voice of YOU can you revisit NOW in the Circle of Divine Time?! I see, know, and affirm right now allowance and transcendence for us all! I honor us all in the circle of time and shine. Thank you again for being here friends. I wish you all the best in living your passionate purpose with zest! I wish us all to be living our divinity in this great ocean of life. Happy World Ocean Day June 8th! Water is Life! Our life is divine in every moment of time! Namaste, Love!
Positivity *Possibility * Potentiality * Passion *Proclamation Exploration * Connection * Communication * Compassion * Creation *Expression In spiritual support of you and your family!