I also have a new song, We the People Rise on the new YouTube channel!
![]() This full moon day, I have baked a buncha goodies, now sitting on my transformative snake table to be packaged up to mail to Jeremiah for his upcoming birthday party with friends and to take to my Latrobe Ladies tomorrow for our February luncheon. I am also making strawberry Jello hearts and hearty minestrone soup for the ladies to take along with Valentine doilies to create heartful expressions with. It IS a time of creative expression now (always!) for us each and all to rise up with our version of Love expressed! ![]() I also joyfully announce that I have established a new YouTube channel for my spiritual, playful, adult friends ~ like you?! There are MANY planned offerings coming yet today, I launch with the Always Love Heart Talk and some political conversation: Black and White, Wrong and Right: Our Children. If this comes to you as a happy surprise, do visit the channel and be the 1st to subscribe! I am trusting I will be joined by fab friends of high vibe! ![]() I am still very much committed to my Leaping Literacy Library ETV and Om HomETV streaming free @ famlit.tv! I also have turned a major corner with the website revisions which have been in the mix for soooooooo looooong! For now, I will simply say that sometimes you have to go backwards to go forwards! And in this anniversay month of newthoughtfamilies.com (2007), I am allowing, knowing, and flowing, that much of what has been awaiting fixing and renewal is in work/play and on track to be restored this month! Yippee Skippee for spiritual family literacy! So divine Valentine blessed! In further note of my own little evolution of Spirit Love Blessed Expressed, here is the Divine Valentine Om HomETV show along with 2 little home shows i did SO many years ago with my sweet Valentine Jeremiah. With hindsight's perfection, I choose to celebrate these connections, and my own resolution to keep showing up with, if not divine solution, a resolution of inspiration's voice and vibration in and through me as Spirit conversation!
Thank you, thank you Heart of Love for sharing my celebrations today and for how YOU are always Love ~ in all ways! Namaste, Love!
Ah yes, we are always turning in the circle of time! This midpoint is a great invitation to alchemize our darkness and light, and realize the gifts that are always here for us. Life gestates in the dark and births into the light. Both are necessary. I speak to all of this in today's vlog which also discusses the goddess Brigid who is celebrated today along with the new Chinese Lunar calendar star for 2025, SNAKE! Feature Creature Teacher Snake is all about transformation; to shed the old way of being ~ personally and collectively ~ we MUST release our old skin we no longer fit in. I talk quite a bit about the dance of resistence, life's persistent insistence and the unconditionally loving gift of allowance. All of it tempered with discernment of what to allow, when and how to resist and the overall alchemy we employ in this sacred journey. Like the last vlog, I am in my jammies, this time in my prayer chair so we do indeed end the time together with a prayer. Do join me if you are called!
As we evolve and grow, the alchemy of change is a necessity. Evolution naturally embodies past, present, and future in the circle of life and time. As spiritually conscious beings, we are always invited to decide what to surrender, shed, leave behind, take forward, birth anew. With our free will, it really is up to me and you! My alchemical process includes birthing new content resources, some of which is geard for adults rather than children and families. Here is one such Transformation Conversation with friends and ETV regulars, Rev Karene, aka Gramma K and Farmer Don. We are at the altar with snake friends discussing surrender and transformation ~ join us!
![]() As I talk a bit about in the vlog, yesterday was a road trip to see an old friend who has undergone alot of changes. I have spent time alchemizing who he is now, with his same sweet soul in the center. Just as I reckon with the effects of aging in myself and other friends, it is a rich opportunity to be in the sacred circle. Relationships, aging bodies and minds, shifting political policies and outright breeches of the law are all ways we can bring our awareness to what we insist or resist as our chosen way of being in the circle. I took the picture above last night in the fading twighlight before driving home. The beauty of Unity is indeed a beacon always beckoning us home to ourselves and each other. May this midpoint be one of alchemy and harmony for you and yours friend. Thank you for being here. Namaste, Love! ![]() | |||||||||
As i speak to in the vlog, I am ever realigning with the callings of my being, continuing to say yes, no matter the mess, and still and always challenged with time. Just how much can i pack in a day and how fast can i go? Short winter days along with the wisdom of age say to go slow. Take it easy. I'm breathing that in, this dark evening moment where there's so much more list left in this quickly ending day. While the vlog speaks of Feature Creature Teacher Polar Bear, I am really working with Turtle who goes center stage on ETV tomorrow. So there's the slower pace of grace and there's also the myriad of ways we side step our soul's path due to what some call procrastination or distraction. It's also called by some, self-sabotage. Abraham Hicks says it is a misalignment of our vibration with what it is we are called to do. It can also just be called fear since all can be distilled to Love or fear. Whatever name i give it on any given day, i keep choosing to act more and more with great compassion infused into my actions. I bring Love and patience to the process, adjust the list, and keep saying yes. Whatever we are called to, we always have the choice to say yes or to say no. So the dance of our journey goes! Spirit always flows. We are always called home and in fact are home with our Spirit in any and every moment.
Positivity * Possibility * Potentiality * Passion * Proclamation ![]() Exploration * Connection * Communication * Compassion * Creation * Expression In spiritual support of you and your family! |