I made turkey soup from our abundant bird, making sure to get every bit of goodness off the bone. This year, because I am healing a broken bone, I even separated out and kept all the bone marrow gooeys (yuckies?!) I would have previously let go of. It was a sacred, mindful time of connection, taking every bit of nutrition in grateful celebration. Thank you Turkey!
What if we took in all of our blessings this fully, this slowly, this wholy, this holy?! I even put a bowl of bones on the altar which I speak to in today's mindful moment of breathing in Turkey and Harvest! Thanksgiving was a small, quiet table this year with my son Jeremiah and nephew Jordan. I loved cooking with Jeremiah who really stepped it up to compensate for my limited mobility. We had a scary mishap that he also had to do the lion's share of cleaning up ... Glass pie plate accidently on a burner ... it exploded and shot glass everywhere. Yikes. A big piece landed on my lap yet both of us were not cut. I cried and was hugged even in the midst of the cleanup. Love is such a gift. The shattering and explosion of the glass kept me pondering for days, recollecting times of family explosions and thinking of the peoples of this world dealing with violent explosions every day, like in Ukraine. It further punctuates for me the intensity of our rich blessings, so many of which, we easily take for granted. Though we have a dramatic little story to remember, the shattering of my own glass ceiling, is not lost on me and is indeed continuing to be revealed. I had a lovely honoring of the ancestors at my dad's ranch, the next day with Jeremiah and Jordan. We spoke the names and lit candles for all the family here and on the other side honoring all the ancestors who homesteaded and worked the land for generations. There were pictures of my parents when they were married in that living room. We ended with a song, Family of Love, (found on the Trust What You Hear CD) Jeremiah sang and played with me and Jordan did the video.
As we enter into the season of lights, often known for it's hustle and bustle of activity and buying, may we be willing and able to align with the divine in ways that are slowly, holy, and wholy aware of all of our abundant blessings. May we be a living prayer of using fully all of the goodness we are so richly blessed with to share with the world as a guiding, grateful light of true ThanksLiving. Thank you for being here, I deeply appreciate you and our moment of connection.The sacred circle of Love lives on in us, through us, as us, in this and every season!
11/19 Alchemizing the end of the 60 day challenge on my 11/17 birthday, the arrival of the new CD, and all this journey has gifted me. I originally thought, back in September, these 2 months would be about showing up with and for my gifts and organizing my online offerings including getting my social media outreach in order. While SO much of that is still in process, I have been gifted the ability and ongoing invitation to deepen self Love and clarity about who I am and what I can do with Spirit in and through me. I am clear that I am here to be authentically sharing creativity and spirituality; I am most alive and joyous when I am creating! Aren’t we all? We are ALWAYS creating something, from a thought to a meal, an act of kindness to a way of life. Whatever you engage in that makes your heart sing, those are your joyous cocreations held in your soul and living you whole. SO many of my prolific cocreations are messy. I am always ready to say, “Next!” Yet, I am also called to give time, attention and service to all I have created, or at least some of it and it’s alot! Here at New Thought Families, there is a huge amount of content to be offered in the Leaping Literacy Library. The technical difficulties of that still plague me though I am more at ease with the journey. It, like all else, just requires focused attention with trust and allowance of the divine order plan unfolding. This blog was and still is on WordPress for 10+ years and is a chronicle through spiritual parenting of my son Jeremiah and also my aging parents, who are now on the other side. I am sifting and sorting how best to serve with the archives and all the new in commercial free environments. All of our current website offerings are in quiet, commercial free bubbles where presence is better fostered. I have learned more deeply the last 60 days, much of what stalls my (our) progress in achieving goals is the unhealed traumas that run the debilitating script of unworthiness that can manifest as procrastination or other forms of self-sabotage. I have also learned that the best way to heal is to just keep loving deeply with a trust in the process of divine timing and divine order. My broken ankle and new pace of grace has provided a powerful opportunity to keep loving me for who I truly be rather than what I do which I see as a much-needed healing for me to birth my future. Last week, I took a spill in the house, falling off the knee rover cruiser. I was happily going fast(er) and not paying attention to my path when I went over. I immediately started doing Access Consciousness clearing statements for why I would hurt myself again and disallow my happiness. I did indeed clear energy and only added a few bruises to my existing injury (ya, ouch) which I gave arnica and Love to. YET! It took another day or 2 to realize, that my go to response was to fix broken me, which is a higher state than wallowing in victimness of poor me. The higher response however, was one that I would bring to ANYONE ELSE ~ unconditional LOVE! I wouldn’t lean over a fallen you, trying to process why you went down! I would comfort you with Love and help, only processing it down the road if you so chose to do so. SO! Self Love is always the deepest journey and affords us the allowance we need to be freely and fully present with consistent committment to whatever gifts we are called to cocreate, to give, and to receive. Now, I go on with my new decade with deeper self Love and gratitude for who I truly be and all that lies ahead of me! That includes these spiritual family literacy offerings at New Thought Families! Thank you, thank you, for sharing the journey ~ mine and yours! Namaste, Love!
To embody divine order, our greatest transformational tool is still and always GRATITUDE! And when we live in that attitude, it is a way of being in life appreciation that gives way to celebration. And so it is! |
11/10 This Thoughtful Thursday, it has been 5 weeks since I fell coming down Thunder Mountain, and walked out on a broken ankle. Yes, seemingly my bliss atop the Mountain went amiss. Yet, I am aligning more and more with the blessons of this 'misstep' ... Yes, this pace of grace is WAY slower than I'm used to yet there are great gifts to be had and I am grateful! Many aspects of life have changed though I am ever grateful to be in my colorful, beauty filled playhouse as I convalesce. As i spoke of last week on the 49th day of my 60 day challenge, I SO wanted to see a miracle last week with my bone all back together. What I saw was what seemed like little to no progress ... on the xray, anyway. And as the clinic reiterated their recommendation to get to an ortho doc, I have had to revisit ... over and over ... my life choices and how I am dealing and healing with this broken bone that is seemingly impeding my life journey. Ah, it can never be so as 'everything's on purpose in divine order'! THIS IS MY JOURNEY!! And there are many gifts to be mined in this slowing down of time ... where the simplist tasks take much longer and require so much more effort as I keep the weight off ... I am indeed, giving myself a break! While there are certainly moments of fear and judgment, I am turning and returning to Love. I know that my body is healing ~ our bodies ALWAYS want to heal! As Myrtle Fillmore most famously said, "I am a child of God, and therefore I do not inherit sickness." I also know that nothing in the body happens separate from the heart and Spirit. We call in these experiences such as this, as gifts, for many reasons and I am deepening into more and more of mine. Louise Hay talks about broken bones being in resistance to authority ... uh, YA! I always have been one to question authority. And! I know myself to be a sovereign being with authority over me and my chosen, experienced reality. The future unfolding for me personally and for humanity collectively is one of taking on new (old) ways of being that include living our sovereignty in full authority. Lousie Hay says the ankle represents the ability to receive pleasure ~ OUCH! I was in my bliss when this happened! In the ongoing alchemy of this opportunity, I dance with allowance. Our lives are everything we allow them to be! The future that I am living into, requires me to allow myself plenty of sovereignty and the capacity to live in blissful oneness with all that is ~ and isn't! Right now, I am necessarily allowing so much more slowness and stillness that I am finding a deeper level of blessed isness. And so it is, the business of isness! |
Namaste Deep Divers on the spiritual awareness path! Thank you for being here! Thank you for being here to spend time and reflection. This blog/vlog space
has been in a re-mix for a long time like so much else of my web work here at New Thought Families and the other websites. In this last few years, life has asked us all to keep evolving into more and more of who we came here to be: to let go of many outdated aspects of who we have been and embody more of our divinity. For my part, I deepened my self love journey a month ago when I fell coming down a mountain. Turns out, I broke my ankle so my pace of grace has been soooooo much slower than usual. I continue to align with my divine shine and see the layered blessons that are mine. It is my intention that through this time, I will continue to choose to be in service here and to all that has been created over the years. I am also fully committed to choosing happiness, peace, and unconditional Love, no matter what. Ah, to embrace divine order in every configuration it shows up as! Life itself offers us endless opportunities to say, "Thank you!"
All of life, a grateful gift! ...![]() | #49 w/Song # 9/ Born For CD |
Death, Birth, Grateful for All!![]() | Closing the NonProfit |
Been spending extra time with the ancestors bringing reverence and remembrance to the sacred circle ... some pictures on the altar and took pictures of the altars/remembrances on the walls. I like to connect every day in some way, especially with my parents, aunt and uncle who all had such an impact on my life.
We are always connected in the circle of time. All who have gone before us live on in us just as we will live on in the memories of those we leave behind when it is our time. Who do you hold dear in your sacred circle? #45 #bornfor60daychallenge![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Positivity * Possibility * Potentiality * Passion * Proclamation ![]() Exploration * Connection * Communication * Compassion * Creation * Expression In spiritual support of you and your family! |