12/31 Namaste Living Light Shining Bright!
As 2022 surrenders into 2023, i greet you with the knowing of your divine light glowing. I have some yearend ceremony invitations and celebrations for a burning bowl releasing as well as some honoring
for all that has been and all we are welcoming in! We release into the flames of alchemy any feelings, moments, events, patterns of pain. We free ourselves forward in this vibration of elimination. Perhaps it will be a lessening or lessoning, of the burdens rather than complete eradication, yet any pain released allows for more joy & peace!
It is also a great yearend practice to review, write down, all the yesses, blesses, and successes of the previous year in celebration and perhaps as a reminder for you in the coming year ... when you need to remember all the good feelings, doings and beings you are empowered to co-create! Writing yourself and/or Spirit a letter is also a wonderful practice ~ yes, anytime, yet powerful in this ceremonial, turning the calendar page time. With any and all of it, GRATITUDE is the alchemy that leads to HAPPY! And yes, certainly write some new year goals, dreams, aspirations if that calls to you. As much as possible, do it from a place of deep gratitude for all that has been, anchored in a zealous yes for the potentiality that lies ahead.
The burning bowl and welcoming of 2023 video is below, if you want to do these for yourself, the longer version is recommended. If you just want an overview, there is a short video for you. If it calls to you, may you find inspiration in these invitations to experience more freedom, peace, and joy in this turning of the calendar page. For my part, I am yes blessed called to be heart Love expressed as positivity, creativity, authenticity, and divinity in 2023! What is calling you? Farewell 2022! Blessed Be 2023!
I wish you a sacred, mindful end of the year peaceful release with all good prayers for clarity, positivity, authenticity, creativity, and divinity as we embrace 2023!
Here is the long version. Burning Bowl! Release for Peace! Welcome 2023!
Here is the short version if an overview serves you!
12/17 .......Namaste Light Filled Wonders of Love Expressed!.................
I greet you through layers of persistent resistance overcome with the insistence of Love! So! Here's a moment of blooming blossoms, and decked halls from my Om Home, and a look at my still broken ankle, all through the lens of Season Conception. Below the pictues and commentary are 2 videos I taped some days ago speaking to the gifts of the season as well as the gifts of (my current) awareness of brokenness as wholeness. With Winter Solstice upon us, let there be light!
Yes, the halls are decked and cheery here; colored lights are gifting me with comfort and joy! The truth of Giraffe is tethered with angels, chakras, Christmas, and Fellow Feature Creature Teachers Hummingbird and Dove.
Hummingbird represents Hope & Joy in this advent season with energetic Playful Abundance fueled by the power of small. Play with Hummingbird on the Free Shelf!
Dove speaks to us of the devotion, equality and balance found in Peace and Love. ~ Did you know that doves and pigeons are the same bird?! Play with Dove here!
Yes, Doves & Hummingbirds are flying here in our Om Home and also in my heart. 
As i continue to navigate the season of my broken ankle, the 2 month xrays still displayed a lot of brokenness though there is improvement from the 1 month view. Since I continue to be on this journey outside the regular medical system, even getting an xray has been an adventure. This most recent one was ordered by a chiropractor I had high hopes of working with. Turns out, she never even looked at the xrays, a story perhaps for another time. I continue to be with the injury recognizing the nerve and other damage done in hiking out on the broken bone. The deeper layers of discovery for healing however lie beyond my ankle to the deep sorrows harbored in my heart. I speak to this in the videos below ~ how I see a forgiveness bypass that left some places of needed healing for deep sorrow.   
So for now, I
am in my playhouse centering and re-centering in my dreams as much as I am able. My summer sea splash friends made it into my bed to help keep me warm on these frosty winter nights. My days are spent in a slow go of mindful navigation for the huge energy expended for the smallest of things (Hummingbird) as I practice gratitude, peace, and deep, self approving Love (Dove) often centered in soothing myself for comfort and joy. Yes, changing thought and direction often, to return to joy (Hummingbird)!

And there are blooms! Last year's Christmas cactus is blooming again and a small pink bloom surprised me from another. Then there's the 'sacrificial' cactus I speak to in the longer video below. Also celebrating the brave camellia buds outside the window with all their beautiful potentiality in waiting. The song I sing in the 2nd, longer video is also about waiting, it's Mary's song, Conception, from my Circle Of One CD found here. It's not exactly a Christmas Carol, by any stretch though we do have plenty of those here too! Our 12 Thoughts of Christmas sing-a-long compilation is here if you are called to sing some transformational thoughts to traditional Christmas tunes.
Thank you for being here to share in the light of soothing comfort and Joy. The videos below speak to some of the above and more. The 1st, shorter one was the last one I taped trying to be more concise so I offer it as a decidedly upbeat, uncut idea compilation. The 2nd one speaks to more aspects of the journey including more emotion and the song, Conception, also found here. Thank you again for whatever you share with me here or there. Best to you in whatever you are birthing and truly, may you be soothed and strengthened with Hope (Faith!), Peace, Love, (Comfort!) & JOY! Keep shining brave, bold, blooming Light of Love.
Laurie Story Christmas Season Vlog
Short Version (the final take!)
Laurie Story Christmas Season Vlog
Compliation version including the song